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Bar Soap & Shower Gel
Sweet Lemon Shower Cream with Shea Milk
45 reviews
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Reviews (5)
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5 reviews
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Nov 13

Smells like tarte au citron. Very creamy, rich pearlised gel but suprisingly liquid and runny which is the only reason it doesn't get 5 lippies. Scrumptious.

Mar 29

I love this shower cream. The lemon is definitely sweet, and almost... powdery. Like a cool, refreshing, and yet melt-in-your-mouth lemon tea cookie covered in powdered sugar. Very soft and feminine a...

Sep 19

This passed the husband "you smell good" test. Also with my sensitive skin, I found it moisturizing and not irritating.

Feb 27

I just love Occitane scents, they are subtle but always smell so unbelievable, i really dont know how they do it. This is no exception, I dont really like tart citrus scents so this is perfect for me,...

Aug 19

Delicious!!!! Reminds me of Fresh's SugarBath shower gel on Lemon, but better. Why oh why can't L'Occitane make a body lotion to go with it?