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Face Serum
Prescription Anti-blemish keratolytic solution
3.73 reviews
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Reviews (3)
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3 reviews
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Mar 22

This is an amazing product at least for my skin and for my cheek and forehead acne. It was not an extreme acne, but I have been struggling with it for almost 3 years and I just couldn`t find any right...

May 27

This product has AHA and zinc. It is designed for blemish-prone adult skin, to unclog pores, purify, disinfect and refine skin texture. How to apply Apply to the face at night using cotton. Do not r...

Jul 14

My new HG against hormonal acne. I have a few localized but persistent cystic nodules, that no other acne treatment else has removed for months (they grow and shrink throughout the month, but never g...