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Peppymint breath refresher
3.77 reviews
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7 reviews
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Nov 28

This tastes exactly like the Aveda Comforting Tea, just stronger. I use it as a breath freshener and I also add it to bottled water to make it less boring.

Feb 8

This product is good. Not too "minty" tasting. When I'm tired of just plain old water during the day I add a few drops of peppymint to it for a nice refresher.

Sep 27

This is a great alternative to breath mint candies and chewing gum. I love the flavor which is very natural and refreshing. This doesn't contain any sugar, just pure peppermint oil that is soothing an...

Aug 1

I purchased this breath freshener and I thought to myself, oh how cute and perfect for my handbag! This is exactly what I need. Well as I read the label, one of the ingredients listed on the small b...

Oct 4

I do like this, it doesn't have alcohol in it and taste great. Works very well.

Mar 20

i love this, i have to buy it every time i go into the aveda store, and i am so glad someone else thought to review it because i wouldn't have. it's not your typical breath freshener, because it's not...

Jan 29

I picked this up during my last visit to the salon, thinking it might be nice to carry with me to work. I meet with a lot of people in the course of a day, and certainly can't chew gum or mints in tho...