Face Moisturizer
The Moisturizing Soft Lotion
3.86 reviews
Product from
La Mer
Reviews (6)
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6 reviews
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Jul 9

I was kindly given this from a friend who found it too rich/greasy, and after sampling La Mer's Matte Lotion in the past, which was good but not hydrating enough, I wanted to see if this delivered the...

Jun 24

This costs more than I would pay for a basic moisturizer. I had three nice size samples from a local high end cosmetics store, and was able to use the lotion for a few weeks. My only real complaint ...

Mar 28

This of this product as an investment for your skin. It is superior to anything else I've ever used and it's been 12 months of almost once-a-day usage and there is still product in this bottle. I use ...

Apr 15

I got to test run this with some generous samples. I was initially torn between The Moisturizing Soft Lotion and Moisturizing Soft Cream. For the warmer months I would definitely be using this over ...

Mar 21

Edited August 26. 2016. After the initial disappointment of a somewhat richer texture than I have expected from a (reformulated) lotion, I find this product simply excellent! It soothes irritated skin...

Sep 8

The Moisturizing Soft Lotion replaces the Moisturizing Lotion as of summer 2016. I have used the previous formulation for many years, applying it on my t-zone in warmer months and I have appreciated ...