Deodorant Fresh
3.821 reviews
Product from
Dr. Hauschka
Reviews (21)
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21 reviews
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Jan 25

The best if we speak about natural deodorants. I sweat a lot, due to stress, whether, etc. and my staple is Vichy with green cap. However I'm aware of the controversy regarding aluminium salts so tri...

Jan 18

This product works really well for me. Never feel smelly and it doesn't get on my clothing. It is expensive but worth it for me.

Jul 25

I miss anti-perspirant. I sweat. A lot. But alas, I've developed an allergy to aluminum so I'm stuck with the natural/organic stuff. Let me tell you-NOTHING works as well as actual anti-perspirant...

Dec 28

Just as their Floral deodorant, it is a nice-smelling natural product. However, it does close to nothing for preventing odour. Add to this the exorbitant price and you can safely guess that I am not g...

Jun 19

Finally!!! I have found a natural, aluminum-free deodorant that actually works!!! After coming across several positive reviews about this product, I finally decided to take the plunge and fork out the...

Mar 14

I recently switched to natural and organic skincare, and was desperately looking for a natural deo. I bought this one because I thought that, being a top quality brand and moderately high priced (£10 ...

Jan 28

Most importantly, this product doesn't irritate my skin (seems to improve it!) and doesn't lead to ingrown hairs/inflammation. My beef, sadly, is with the pervasiveness of the smell - I like it, but i...

Jan 26

Now as for deodorants, I am quite critical. I was an avid user of Urtekram's crystal deo, because it was the only natural deo I've had success with so far. Many different others were either spray-ons ...

Nov 1

I have been trying to start using moee natural products, and started experimenting with aluminium-free deos. The scent of this is GORGEOUS! Unfortunately, it just didn't cut the mustard. On days when ...

Aug 29

Yes, I am willing for fork out $20 for a deodorant. Crazy! But I love this stuff! I'm very leery of antiperspirants for two reasons. First f all, I don't like that they're linked to alzheimer's. ...