Face Moisturizer
Biosensitive Soothing Protecting Nurturing Moisturizer
4.17 reviews
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Nov 5

This is no longer available but was one of the first products intended specifically for sensitive skin from 1996. It is the predecessor of Aquasource Biosensitive Moisturiser for Dry Skin and other L...

Mar 8

This is a very sensitive skin friendly, very hydrating and soothing moisturiser in the form of a true creme. I bought this one by accident when I meant to purchase the gel-creme version. I have noneth...

Dec 30

My face was really burnt and dried out from this 5% bp my doc prescribed for my acne.. she told me to put it all over my face! my face is really sensitive to begin with, i know bp is suppose to dry ou...

Nov 22

I've had chronic eczema and dry patches on my face on and off for 9 years since junior high, a typical affliction of Chinese girls living in the dry dry schizophrenic climate of the Canadian prairies....

May 9

I have chronic dry skin, and eczema. Recently the condition of my facial skin has deteriorated, and I have alot of dry patches. I was recommended this product and am currently trying it out, and I am ...

Mar 21

A great, emmolient moisturiser for hopelessly dry skin. Rich in glycerin, petrolatum, beeswax, ceramides and vegetable oils, it soothes and cushions my skin when nothing else works. More moisturizing ...

Oct 14

This is a very good basic product. It comes in a squeeze tube which is good if you are concerned about breeding bacteria. The moisturizer itself is thick and a little goes a long way. My skin does fee...