Cream Foundation
Teint Majeur
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May 24

I don't know, maybe the color is wrong or I'm not applying it right but I didn't like this foundation. It didn't cover well and caked a bit. There are better foundations that don't cost nearly as mu...

Dec 11

I love this foundation!! I have dry skin so find creme foundations work best. This foundation is silky and glides on smoothly. Coverage is medium but build-able and I prefer a more medium to full cove...

Aug 4

I've got this foundation as a part of travel set, sample size - 9 ml, glass bottle, No. 1. Very light (yellow undertone) color. Medium coverage. Firstly I was so disappointed with it, it seems to be t...

May 25

The good news is, this foubdation is %50 off at :) cheers!

Aug 15

WOW! I am in love. I have been trying this several times at the counter until I finally to get one jar of this fabulous foundation onlilne (found it cheaper at a discounter in the UK). Well, all rave...

Aug 12

This is the first souffle type foundation I have ever used. Normally I prefer liquid although for a brief period, I flirted with compact foundation. There are only 2 bad things about this foundatio...

Jan 22

i got a sample of this and was quite excited! lol, the texture is smooth and feels divine and it seems to give me a natural satin finish however i think you could get this value of foundation at a che...

Oct 8

When I read the description for this product on YSL's website, I had decided to try it out, so I ordered it. I had chosen the #9 shade. It looked like the perfect shade when it was in the jar. I moist...

May 26

Love this, its the only colour match I have found. I remember being shocked when I told the sales assistant I couldn't see the colour on (I'm a no 1). I have dry sensitive skin and although I have t...

May 25

I have two jars in different shades and like the color and feel of this makeup, but it's got some problems: 1) it can gum up over moisturized areas, 2) it's not that easy to get the foundation out of ...