Lunasol Intellectual Lips Full Glamour
3.97 reviews
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7 reviews
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Nov 5

I bought a red and I love how sheer it apply to my lips like it's translucent! There are subtle glitters inside the lipstick.

Aug 3

creamy. moist/dewy finish. but not very moisturizing (my lips always chap when i wear this). it's already shiny as it is so no need to put on a lipgloss over it. gorgeous range of shades. sheer but bu...

Jan 8

This is an adorable lipstick! I would say, that this is a lipstick and a gloss in one! Thats why you dont have to apply any gloss over it. Beautiful colors and incredibly moisturising texture! It la...

Nov 2

Eek. I love Lunasol, I really really really do - but I am not keen on this lipstick. I have it in four colours. I find the texture quite hard, and not very pigmented. I was dying for Pink Beige so...

Mar 20

Beautiful colour selection, wonderful texture. Everything about Lunasol lipsticks screams class. The pigment is quite sheer but if one chooses something from the dark spectrum and uses it on top of Ca...

Jan 12

***This review contains pictures of the product, please click continued to view the formatted version incl. pic(s)***<br><br>Lunasol is Kanebo's high-end makeup brand only available in a few Asian cou...

May 14

BEST. LIPSTICK. EVER. Not much of a Japnaese mu lover myself, but being a lipstick freak, I have to say I am so obsessed with the fleckenschnitte's review on this Lunasol lipstick, I want to try thi...