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Cleansing Conditioner Curl Idéal
3.93 reviews
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Reviews (3)
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3 reviews
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Jan 5

I like most Kerastase products and where I live, cleansing conditioners are very hard to come by so I was looking forward to try this. I have dry, frizzy, wavy hair that I color regularly (due to gray...

Dec 18

My hair is a little princess. Fine but there's loads of it. Dry but cant handle oils. Denser near the neck and thinner on the top. My scalp reacts badly to silicones. Shampoos, even sulfate free ones...

Jul 27

My hairdresser recommended this as a way to keep my Brazilian straightening lasting longer. Love it! Makes me hair super smooth and silky and does make it easier to straighten as well now that the B...