Super Rich Conditioner
4216 reviews
Product from
Bumble and bumble
Reviews (216)
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216 reviews
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Feb 28

This is a really nice salon brand. It is by no means holy grail status or perfect, but I really enjoyed using it. At first I wasn't sure, but by the time the bottle was almost empty I was a little s...

Feb 6

I'm truly on the fence about this. While it did great in the shower, I didn't see any lasting effects beyond the shower. In the shower hair felt moisturized and detangled with good slip. It took very ...

Apr 1

Bumble and Bumble's Super Rich Conditioner does a really great of conditioning your hair at a pretty low price point. I'm used to paying a lot more money for higher end conditioners to give me the sa...

Mar 28

Can not live without this Conditioner. Smells clean and fresh. My curls soak it up. When I straighten my hair its just gorgeous. Honestly a holy grail for me.

Mar 20

HG! One of the best conditioners, ever. Years ago I bleached my hair to a white blonde. It was breaking off, a complete mess. This saved it. A little goes a long way and the scent is so yummy. Would b...

Mar 10

I finally decided to try this product after months of having salon personnel recommend it to me on my numerous shopping excursions, i.e. on my quest to find conditioners that really do work. I am surp...

Jan 26

This is my HG condition and shampoo combo. It literally saved my hair which was extremely dead and dry from years of heat exposure. My hair is now soft and smooth! Although this is recommended for col...

Aug 28

I don't have anything bad to say really other then it's no better then drug store conditioner and cost and arm and a leg. I really don't get how it's "super rich"

Apr 22

I've bought this several times over the years but I don't always repurchase it immediately because of the cost: eight ounces for $27. However, I sometimes buy the two ounce bottle for $10 when I'm go...

Jan 25

I got a liter on sale at my local salon. I had just got color and highlights, and my hair felt a little dry and brittle. I had also just spent a small fortune on Aveda liters (Dry Remedy & Damage Reme...
