Heather Eye Shadow
444 reviews
Product from
Bobbi Brown
Reviews (44)
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44 reviews
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Feb 21

Really, really nice color. This looks very similar to Mac Quarry once applied on the eyes, but this is slightly less brown. Truth be told, I like the quality on the Mac slightly better because this on...

Jan 26

I feared that Heather would look too cool for me since eyeshadows with gray cast tend to make me look unwell and was relieved that's just not the case. Heather looks like a medium gray/brown lilac b...

Apr 19

Bobbi Brown used to have a shade called Woodrose that was in between Cement and Heather. It was the perfect taupe for me, but they discontinued it. Heather is a close second because it's not too plum ...

Feb 2

AMAZING. I'm a huge Bobbi fan anyway, but this eyeshadow is a masterpiece. If it is ever discontinued, I swear I will cry buckets. I love the mauvey, lilacy- brown colour of this product. You can use ...

May 28

In photos it looks more purple, but really it's a mauve grey with just a touch of dusty purple. Imagine if MAC Haux or Quarry had a cousin. This really shocked me in person, because I relied on photos...

May 27

I bought this shadow because I needed something neutral and very basic to wear everyday (or most days) to work. I used to love eyeshadows and playing up my eyes big time. I would wear smokey eyes duri...

Mar 2

This is possibly my favorite eyeshadow color. The picture on here makes it look brown, but it's actually a mauve-y purple shade on my skin. I have cool-toned skin and this really adds nice depth to ...

Apr 20

This shade makes my eyelids look bruised, bloodshot and tired (a side effect mentioned by several other reviewers), which worsens my dark circles. Also, the shade is an indefinite, dirty and muddy bro...

Mar 18

Ok, this is really hard to blend and does look somewhat odd alone. It's like a muted dusty brownish plum, and yes it can give you the bruised eye look. BUT, apply LM alloy cream shadow underneath this...

Jul 13

I use this as a subtle liner during the day. The color is difficult to is sort of a muted plumy brown shade, definitely a cool tone. It looks good as a liner on my blue eyes, and I have ...