KATE Magical Volume Gel mascara
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Aug 29

My eyelashes are really long but there is a little flakes after using this.Whatever I wore this and went to swim and it worked well for waterproof property, so it's pretty nice.

Jul 31

I had a terrible time with this gel mascara. doesn't hold my eyelashes' curl , my curled lashes were looking straight after I put on this mascara. I've only used it once and never opened again. defi...

Dec 29

I bought this on a whim when the pharmacy I was in did not have my HG Majolica Marjorca mascara. At first I hated this mascara because I found it too clumpy. But I found the trick to using it is that...

Apr 15

I also had problem with the product weighing my lashes down, but that only occurs if i curl lashes then apply the mascara by itself. Normally i use the Majolica bone lash fiber mascara base under it ...

Mar 19

I don't have the problems mentioned by fleckenschnitte; maybe because mine is the newest 2011 version.

Sep 23

2011, the mascara wand has changed since the 2008 edition. The name for this product in my market is KANEBO KATE VOLUME GEL. Overall a good mascara that doesn't smudge even in 33 degree celsius heat a...

Jul 11

I love the packaging, it's sleek and all that stuff! I've always wanted to try out a drugstore mascara that's gel based and I'm so glad I found this! I always have a bad habit of not using my mascaras...

Mar 12

***Click CONTINUED to view pics ***<br><Br>Yea I know I know....I said Japanese brands make the best mascaras.... well even the ingenious guys at Kanebo can come up with crap and unfortunately Kate's ...