Face Peel
Intensive Resurfacing Peel
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4 reviews
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Sep 26

I got a facial at a spa and the esthetician recommended this to start evening out my skin tone, getting rid of some sun damage, etc. I liked that the uses were measured out and she told me to use one ...

May 9

Dont really see or feel any big difference. Not enough for the money.

Mar 16

Recently, I have noticed that my skin looked tired and definitely in need of a good peeling. My pores became more visible and, overall, the complexion was not glowing and clear as it can be on good da...

Jun 8

I was excited to try this product and compare it to the enzyme peel I had at a spa. I received 4 vials of this product to try, so off I went! I do not like the bottles it is in because it is difficu...