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79 reviews
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Nov 13

I love it! But I don't really like the brush(:

Jan 2

This mascara is really mediocre and does not justify the price. It was reasonably good at separating lashes, but didn't make them thick and full.

Dec 30

They gave it to me as a free sample at sephora it clumps it doesn't do much good not waterproof i wouldn't buy the actual product (\ /) (^_^) C(")(")

Sep 22

Well, I think I'm going to finally draw the conclusion that because I'm asian and cursed with short stubby and stubborn lashes, no mascaras in the world will give me those nice glossy curvy and full l...

May 2

I have long and curly eyelashes..this did nothing to improve them. I would not buy it again. On the plus side, it did not clump or give me spiderlashes.

Mar 20

I generally like Smashbox products, but the new mascara(atomic blast) was really awful. It applies like regular mascara, even fools you in the beginning to believe your getting big bold lush lashes; b...

Feb 9

I DETEST Smashbox mascara!!! I know it's recommended to replace your mascara every 3-4 months, but after being open only about 2 months, the tube was so crusty and dried out that it made little impac...

Oct 14

At first I hated this stuff. After a couple practice runs, it's grown on me a bit. To apply this so it looks great on your lashed takes patience. Fortunalely my mascara is where I spend all my time. I...

Jul 7

This mascara gives effects similar to those of Lancome Definicils. It is long-wearing, dark, non-clumping, and defining. However, I was looking for more of a dramatic mascara. My lashes were darkened,...

Jun 23

Not a bad product at all, albiet it did take me 3 tugs on the eyelash curler for it to open up my eyes to work it's magic power. The pigment was good and so was the coverage though I wish it had some...
