Hair Oil
Hairdresser's Invisible Oil Balm-to-Oil Pre Shampoo Masque
3.24 reviews
Product from
Bumble and bumble
Reviews (4)
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4 reviews
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Jan 12

I have thick coarse relaxed hair. I used a handful of this preshampoo balm sample and shampooed out twice. Used my usual conditioner, serum/blow dry cream. My hair is super soft light and smooth. Plan...

Dec 15

I received this as a sample from my salon which carries Kerastase and Bumble + Bumble products. I have loved most anything they use on my hair so I figured I'd give this a try at home. For reference, ...

Sep 1

Ok I just need to say this first,, $40 for palm oil?!?! I received a sample size of this pre shampoo mask from the Sephora 500 pts reward box (really I should be slapped not rewarded for spending so m...

Aug 19

This a pre-poo treatment that is loaded with oils so if your hair is on the finer side I would either use a tiny bit on ends or avoid this. You put it on dry hair and allow it to absorb for twenty min...