sun lipstick
3.64 reviews
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Dec 14

This is one of those complicated colors for me to explain. Its defiantly got a metallic like sheen thats not over the top at all and not too warm for me. I find it to be a nice medium color..not too ...

Oct 8

I like this l/s. I love that it smells like peppermint, and I like its bronzey-pink colour. I put on a bit, and it lasted quite a long time on me. It faded, but it faded to a really flattering bron...

Oct 23

I really liked this lipstick. It is a really gorgeous shimmery peachy-brown. Aveda touts the following ingredients in its formula: berry anti-oxidants, fruit butters, plant emollients and certified o...

Jan 20

The color looked like it would be good on me, but when I actually put it on it was way too light. It also smelled funny--not really bad just different. The texture was horrible. It was like putting...