Clarifying Lotion 2
2.9794 reviews
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794 reviews
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Oct 4

I used this by itself or sometimes after cleansing my skin. It's effective in removing dirt, oil and makeup. Would repurchase again.

Jun 1

Feels like it cleans good. Not drying

Jan 2

I have been using the Clinique Scruffing Lotion for men (which is identical to the Clarifying Lotion) for 3 decades. I absolutely love it. Regardless of what Paula Begoun says this is one of my favori...

Dec 13

Godawful stuff that im amazed still exists in this day and age! Toners have moved on a long way on since the days of alcohol-laden paint strippers. I ended up taking this back as it caused my skin to ...

Aug 19

I've used it twice and got the worst breakout!! I had put some on my neck and chest and I broke out there too, and I never get acne there. So embarrassing at 42 years old to have to deal with type of ...

Jul 13

the best way to use this is by throwing it in the trash. witch hazel is horrible for the skin. do your research. it "tightens" your "pores" which is not a good thing, breaks down the lipid barrier and...

Apr 3

I purchased this ‘Clarifying Lotion’ alongside various other Clinique products. It states it’s a ‘Clarifying Lotion’ WTF does that even mean?! Cut the bull crap Clinique, it’s a very harsh toner tha...

Jan 30

This is like putting pure acid onto your face! I stopped using it as it was so harsh, over time of using it my skin was becoming dry and spotty and it was an unpleasant experience toning my face (usua...

Jan 10

Despite the bad reviews, I really love this toner. A bottle can last a long time and I've gone through multiple bottles over the years. Sure, it stinks of alcohol, but I really do feel like my skin ha...

Oct 19

I had the same experience when I first tried this product - thought I was deceived and received a bottle of liquor instead. But apparently not and I am just going to continue using it along with othe...
