Botanical Kinetics Exfoliant
3.75 reviews
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5 reviews
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Feb 7

Thiiiiiis. I honestly didn’t realize what a difference this made on my skin until I ran out. I use this in conjunction with a moisturizing toner, and it’s miracle product. My only complaint is that...

Feb 27

the first time I bought this I was in love. my otherwise dry and flaky winter skin turned into a smooth glowing surface. I raved about it so much a friend of mine bought it. Her experience was not gre...

Mar 28

This liquid exfoliant is a great option if you are worried about microbeads or other abrasive particles in scrubs irritating your skin. This doesn't chap my skin, and I can see the dirt and grime afte...

Sep 18

Great option if u don't like to manually exfoilate which can be too harsh for some people to do, especially everyday. You use this every night before bed, and contains soothing ingrediants and Salicy...

Apr 18

I have oily/acne prone skin and bought this product to try just because it's Aveda. I wasn't too pleased with it; I prefer hardcore scrubbing, BUT my boyfriend's face started peeling due to the winter...