Eye shadow in Banana
4.125 reviews
Product from
Bobbi Brown
Reviews (25)
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25 reviews
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Nov 16

After lkstening to the MUA rave about Bone on QVC here in the UK I went to swatch it. Lucky for me because it was too pale and looked kknda chalky on my nc43 skin. Banana however is the perfect colour...

Apr 14

I was lucky enough to get a complimentary eye makeup tutorial at Bobbi Brown recently...finally conquered Mount Smokey Eye!! The darling MUA there carefully explained eye makeup to me...the BB way! On...

Aug 8

I really like this shadow. I did swatch research prior to purchasing this. All the swatches that I found, seemed to have been generous in it's pigmentation representation. Instead of one or two swi...

Feb 15

I use this every day all over my eyelids, either alone or as an all over wash of color underneath other eyeshadows. I find it great at hiding any redness and brightening the eye area. Without a base, ...

Aug 3

A soft yellow-y beige. Wonderful base color just on it's own, AND mixes well with just about any other color. Sometimes I wear it alone (on lid and brow bone) with eyeliner, or with another color...

Jul 27

The first time I put this eye shadow on I was a little disappointed. I was expecting a brighter tone of yellow. A couple of hours later I looked again in the mirror and I was very pleased. Why would I...

May 18

I use this eyeshadow as a base for my other shadows and it builds up the color very well..On its own as a eyeshadow its a beautiful shade..sort of a muted yellow beige kind of color...The texture of t...

May 12

My latest eyeshadow acquisition.. and I picked Banana cause I wanted a yellow base for layering with the golden shimmers.. and I got the exact color. I love this color! It picks up the golden tones ...

May 4

Banana has not been discontinued. It is still listed on the BB website. I am collecting all of Bobbi's matte shadows. Otherwise a shadow this color would never had occurred to me. I am surprisingly pl...

Sep 25

Banana is very yellow, yet it just looks amazing if yellow shadows work well on you. I first tried this in a Bobbi Brown shadow quad, and now that it's almost out I will repurchase. I'm really fair,...