Face Wash & Cleanser
Laneige Multi Cleanser
333 reviews
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33 reviews
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Feb 26

İ have sensitive skin and Rosacea.. This laneige multi cleanser is harsh hard to me. İt has peeling effect which makes my skin red colour. İ think this product can be used 1 once or twise a week as a ...

Feb 24

I purchased this right away after I saw this product description, hoping this the right cleanser for me. With white colour, creamy texture and subtle scent, I thought this is a soft cleanser that wou...

Jan 28

***I purchased the Laneige products directly through an Amorepacific (parent company of Laneige) daughter retailer called Aritaum in Mississauga, Canada; I avoid the products manufactured for the Nor...

Mar 2

I got this cleanser as part of the Laneige Hydration Trial pack sold at Sephora. This is my least favorite product out of the set. I have very sensitive skin and I feel the microbeads and the face was...

Nov 23

This cleanser did not work for me. I have dry, dehydrated skin. I purchased this as part of Laneige's Ultra Hydration System kit (included: this Multi Cleanser, the Power Essential Skin Toner. Balan...

Oct 1

This is weird for me because at first I loved it and I still don't exactly hate it.. But I had to return it. I like using black soap once or twice a week so Im used to that "stripped, squeaky clean" f...

Jun 3

This is the first cleanser that I bought from the counters when I just started go take interest in beauty & skincare a couple of years back, this cleanser is awesome, smells great and cleans really we...

Apr 13

Corielle wrote a nice review on this so I'll keep mine short. It makes your face feel very clean (kind of squeaky which I like) but not absurdly taut or irritated at all. A little goes a very long...

Mar 7

Because of cleansers like this one, I always read the ingredients label when buying a cleanser. If i see SLS, mystric acid, lauric acid, anything that is a potential risk, i would not buy it. My ski...

Mar 6

Do NOT buy. Nothing good about this and it's super drying. Why would you want to subject your skin to this drying concoction.