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Chataignees Grillees 041
0 reviews
Product from
Paul and Joe
Reviews (4)
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4 reviews
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May 6

This is a very beautiful, sheer chocolate brown colour with green irridescence, which is not shimmery nor frosty. The brown in this colour is sheer and neutral to just enhance my lips, and the green p...

Dec 20

"Roasted Chestnut" limited edition fall 2005. Packaged in cardboard with graphic Paul & Joe design in blue, green, and brown. Sephora describes this as chestnut brown with green iridescence. Dece...

Nov 27

This is described on Sephora’s website as chestnut brown with green iridescence. It goes on more sheer than pictured on Sephora. And the green iridescence is subtle. It does not scream “I have green l...

Jul 5

VERY beautiful. A lovely, deep reddened plum with a bit of green shimmer. You really have to turn your head just so in the light to really see it, though--otherwise, it just adds a very intriguing as...