Face Primer
Mister Mat
3.334 reviews
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Nov 21

So I have been on the hunt for the 'ultimate mattifying primer' also considering the consistency of the product & ease of application and of course wear time. The best mattifying primer I have come ac...

Jul 3

I got a tiny sample packet of this primer from Sephora. I have been eyeing it for a really long time, but I rarely use primer because I don't really think most of them do anything. But my t-zone is ...

Dec 21

I got this primer for around SGD$50 at Sephora during a Givenchy event in November. I felt really pressure into buying this. I advise all to check any makeup you have tried on at any department store ...

Oct 26

I got this primer for around SGD$50 at Sephora during a Givenchy event in November. I felt really pressure into buying this. I advise all to check any makeup you have tried on at any department store ...

Sep 15

I have very oily skin. This primer seems to go on matte, but within a HOUR my face is oily. Unacceptable for the price of this primer. Will never purchase this product again.

Aug 17

LOVEEE. Not sure why it's getting such a bad rap! I have oily skin, and when I say I've tried every primer imaginable, I mean EVERY one. I love this primer, even better than the Smashbox, NARS, Sephor...

Jul 3

This primer works well to smooth out my skin and help makes my pores look smaller around my nose. I only use it on my forehead, around my nose, and my chin, basically the tzone. I love the mousse text...

May 24

Decent primer. When just applied my skin feels sooooo soft and my foundation glides on very smooth. I think this primer definately keeps me mat longer, and it doesn't break me out.

Jul 2

I've been a sucker for HE products since I was an SA for YSL in my late teens. I haven't been as avid a product junkie as in my teens but I'm still looking for new products since my skin has changed a...

Dec 21

I received a sample of this from a Sephora, MA, and I did absolutely nothing for my oily skin. I applied this after letting my mouisurizer soak in, and prior to applying foundation. I actually made my...