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Lip Gloss
3.534 reviews
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Reviews (34)
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34 reviews
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Jun 16

I have had this lip gloss for 5 years and haven't even put a dent in it! I have no idea why I bought this color. I was in college and probably let the salesperson talk me into choosing something that ...

Aug 19

Basically slightly milky cool pink gloss...clear on its own...looks pretty over lipstick but so do many other cheaper glosses. worth the money? No. Repurchase? No. Try another glossimer instead!:)

Nov 12

Pretty pale pink in the tube, but when applied without a base, it just looks clear. When applied with a base, preferably MAC's fleshpot imo, the color is true to the tube. Very long lasting. I do l...

Aug 23

Pretty lighter pink. Not to sticky.

Jul 24

Pretty, but you can get something similar for less than half the price. Not unique or particularly stunning, so I would pass on this.

Feb 8

Like the other reviewers, I love the Glossimers but not this color. Back in the 60's there was a lipstick by Yardley called "Slicker" and it reminds me of that: very pale and pinky frost. Good for tha...

Jan 13

This is a milky soft pink color. This is a very soft color so I don't think it will show up if you have pigmented lips naturally. This is not my favorite color of the glossimers I've tried. The color ...

Oct 22

I love Chanel Glossimers, but this one isn't my favorite. It's a bit too sheer for my taste, and only shows up as a slightly milky-colored gloss. It's still a lovely color, but if you're looking for t...

Mar 31

This Glossimer is a really pretty colour though I hesitate to recommend it for those with warm skin tones. Would look just beautiful on its own for a PPP and is nice on me when worn over pink lipstick...

Mar 25

This is an overpriced sheer pink frost gloss. I can only wear it on top of other lipcolors otherwise it washes me out badly. I wasn't impressed by the color or finish of this glossimer at all. Too bad...