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Body Scrubs
The ultimate buffing cloth
4.16 reviews
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Reviews (6)
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6 reviews
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Feb 10

I love this cloth. I have (had) pretty bad KP all over my arms. Recently it started popping up on my knees, calves, and upper thighs. Not a lot but enough to warrant some concern. I tried lotions, bo...

Oct 7

This product lives up to the name ‘Ultimate Body Buffer.’ It’s a blue long rectangular cloth made of nylon fibers ideal for exfoliating your body. I have used traditional loofahs, and I have used th...

Aug 11

Used this for the first time and it was AWESOME! The long length helped me get the hard to reach places on my lower back, and also was great to get my feet, behind my ankles and the back of my neck. I...

May 27

I purchased this cloth after reading the great reviews here then left it untouched for several months because I have a pretty thorough exfo process in place & thought it might irritate more than help....

Jan 8

I am a huge believer in exfoliaeting the skin-how many skin cells on average is it we shed a day?! After years of buying every long handled brush, loofah, scrub glove, etc, I have found my, just as i...

Jul 5

This cloth is based on the Japanese exfoliation cloths used in spas. I love this so much. It's long enough that I can scrub my whole back. It's a great preparation for a spray tan or self tan. However...