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Face Brushes
Travel Powder Brush
0 reviews
Product from
Shu Uemura
Reviews (11)
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11 reviews
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Apr 28

I got mine as a free gift for purchasing about $100 at Shu years (8?) ago. Used it once back then ( I was, and still am, a makeup beginner). I only had 2 blushes at that time ( one cream, one Nars Or...

Dec 31

i been using this brush for a while now and washed 3 times.. after the 1st and 2nd wash it was working fine, but after the 3rd wash i found the hairs keep dropping out >.< even dropped on my face and ...

Sep 23

this brush is such a rip off! the hairs keep falling off all over the place! and yeah there is no cover so the brush is pretty much exposed to whatever nasties are out there... so disappointing...

May 28

Wow I guess I will be the first person to say something nice about this. Yes the lack of a cover on the end does bother me, but I keep my makeup bag pretty clean and I wash my brushes regularly so ...

Oct 29

Ladies, save your money. I just pulled this out of the package from Shu website and honestly, I was shocked. It came twist-tied to a cardboard backing, wrapped in a cellophane envelope, looking for ...

Mar 31

It is a retractable brush with no lid!! When I open my cosmetic bag, the head of the brush is always exposed.

Oct 27

<BR>I read so many magazines that rave the Shu Uemura brushes, so finally I could not stop myself to rush into SU shop and took a look.</BR> <BR>Well ... it's nothing more than famous. The hair! My go...

Apr 2

hmm... I dont know if I can call this a powder brush.. it's not fluffy enough to apply powder! It is cute and pretty looking but it doesnt really do much for me.. so for the price.. I wouldnt not both...

Oct 28

PROS: sleek packaging, retractable brush, good quality; CONS: no lid; COMMENTS: retractable brush but leaves end where brush head is exposed, brush head is made of goat hair, a larger brush head would...

Nov 17

I agree with ziebam. I bought this because I thought it'd be a great brush to bring along without having to bring a brush roll. Although it's retractable, it doesn't come with a cap. What's up with th...