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Body Scrubs
Jojoba Oil Hand Recovery
3.63 reviews
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Reviews (3)
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3 reviews
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Jun 21

I buy it at outlet for $3 so I bought 5(it's DIRT CHEAP,right?).when I first use it and I fall in love with this makes my hands very very soft and very moisture,when I rinse it,I feel my h...

Dec 8

I bought this for my bathroom as a handwash and it has not lived up to my expectations. It is quite astringent and drying and makes my hands feel tight - kind of like I have had my hands in dishwashi...

Sep 1

I'll compare this to the LaSource Hand Recovery since a lot more people have tried that one. <br><br> LaSource is very creamy with smaller exfoliating grains, while Jojoba is more like an oil with med...