Looping Mascara Black
37 reviews
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Sep 16

I got this mascara as a free gift from Biotherm. I chose the brown one even though I have black lashes cause I was curious to see how it would turn out haha. Surprisingly, the brown just turned into b...

Mar 10

I wasted my money on this. Grrr. It just made my lashes look like there was some mascara on them, adding a tiny little bit of definition. It clumped a lot at first, but thanks to my Tweezerman lash co...

Feb 3

This mascara promises to curl your lashes with it's "exclusive curving system " but it doesn't. However, what it does is giving you well separated, nice, black, quite natural lashes. But I noticed it ...

Dec 6

This mascara claims it holds curls and it does what it claims. It does clump nor smudge. I would recommend it to those who look for a relatively cheap HE mascara

Apr 5

This product was a total disappointment. This is one of the worst mascaras I've ever tried. It didn't do anything, really. It didn't make my lashes look long, full and definitely NOT CURVY. And it dri...

Feb 24

I purchased this product recently. I bought it because it was supposed to condition my lashes as well as 'looping'. But I didn't find that at all. This is a very ordinary product, not great not the wo...

Jun 2

This make you're lashes a little bit longer but not anything else. Just dosen't last enough all day and I don't like the package either. A NO for me.