Les Meteorites Ball Powder Beige Chic 03
4.291 reviews
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91 reviews
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Jun 11

I have been looking for something that can unify my nc 15-20 neutral lean cool tone with a bronzer. Although the bronzer blends well, still it does not look seamless and natural because of the contras...

Oct 15

The packaging of this product is beautiful and the pearls itself. However, i feel that the price of this product is too high. It does exactly what every other highlighters out there does, which illumi...

Feb 23

This is my HG secret weapon in my makeup arsenal. It just does the trick for my complexion, whether I am having a good skin day or in particular a bad one, it evens out my skin tone (after powder or ...

Jan 24

Beautiful packaging, fairly pricey. I honestly did not see a lot of skin benefits/ results with this product, if it weren't for the gorgeous packaging, I would've thought it was some regular drugstore...

Dec 16

I got this from a sephora set with 8 over sample products. It has an odur that is almost like baby powder scent. Consists of beads that are peach, pale yellow, dirty pale purple and pearly white maki...

Dec 9

I bought this for myself as a special treat with some birthday money I had and could hardly wait to try it! Unfortunatley, the first problem I had was how to get into the damned thing!!! It was almost...

Dec 5

Despite all the raves about this product, sadly it did not really live up to my expectations. On my NC20 complexion, it does not really show up except as little itty bitty scattered glitters... not a...

Sep 18

This is definitely a beauty splurge for me. Guerlain is one of the higher end brands that entice you with it's beautiful packaging and glamour. I'm a sucker for shiny things so I died when I saw the n...

Sep 15

I am giving this 5's across the board and a yes for repurchase- that more or less sums it up. Nice product, expensive, and glorious packaging. I admit my main desire to have this stemmed from the pack...

Jul 12

Darn it! Darn it! I love this stuff! which only means that I will have to keep shelling out $50+ dollars on it when I run out but it's so worth it and you get a lot. It leaves behind just a veil of lu...
