Curl Conscious Conditioner, Fine to Medium
3.522 reviews
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Reviews (22)
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22 reviews
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Jan 26

OVERALL: didn't work for me with fine wavy hair but might be better for girls with curls. I have fine wavy hair that tangles easily but also holds a wave pretty well when I use product and the right...

Jan 7

The version I used did not say it was for fine or thick hair, just Curl Conscious. I LOVE THIS STUFF! I have wavy frizzy hair thats been coloured many times and I look like a lion with my natural ha...

Jan 31

This review is for the new reformulated one. This is a so-so conditioner. The smell is really quite odd. I think the reviewer below has a good analogy to play dough. This conditioner doesn't rinse my ...

Feb 24

Smells like play-doh and weighed all of the curl out of my hair. How ironic.

Mar 7

My hair is fine and curly, a 3b but frizzes up so easily. Getting through the tangles, adding moisture without weight, preventing frizz and enhancing curl are what I need my hair stuff to do. This i...

Dec 17

ugh. i use the curl creme, and i love it--its become my HG. so, since i loved the creme so much i thought id buy the rest of the line and see how well that worked. thank god i only bought the sample...

Apr 27

I really like this conditioner -- whenever I use it I see more defined curls just as soon as I step out of the shower (which I never before thought was possible). I like the texture too; a little bit...

Feb 13

Holy Grail! I use the Curl Conscious Shampoo, then the Curl Conscious Conditioner (I also add a squirt of the Super Rich Conditioner) and follow with the Curl Conscious Cream and I have the most heal...

Aug 19

Ugh, where to begin. This conditioner is so not worth it in my opinion. I'm normally inclined to give something uber-expensive a chance, but this really has fallen short of my expectations. It's no...

Jul 8

I didn't really like this conditioner -- I don't think it detangled my hair very well, and I didn't find my curls looking better when I used this instead of any old cheapo brand. This is just way too...