Face Serum
Prescription Anti-blemish dual-phase concentrate
3.84 reviews
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4 reviews
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Feb 3

This is the best spot treatment I have found by far. While it may seem expensive for a small bottle, mine has lasted about a year and I'm just now hitting the bottom. No it is not very glam going to b...

Sep 17

My holy grail!! When it comes to supposed zit-zappers, you name it, I've tried it. Anything that has hit the market in the last 10 years in the form of pens, patches, gels, roll ons etc has been on my...

May 21

What a miracle!!! It kills the imperfections in a one or maximum 2 nights. I use it before I go to bed after serum and night cream. During the day I use sunscreen. I wish I had had this product when I...

Mar 26

My new HG against hormonal acne. I have a few localized but persistent cystic nodules, that no other acne treatment else has removed for months (they grow and shrink throughout the month, but never g...