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Face Moisturizer
Water Bank Hydro Gel
3.86 reviews
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Reviews (6)
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6 reviews
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Jan 20

I got a sample tube of this gel, and it smells very nice and feels very light and moisturizing on my face, leaving no feeling of tightness or oiliness behind. However about five days later I started t...

Aug 12

This happened 2 years ago. I was roaming around the mall looking for a new skincare products that not only suitable for my skin but also affordable. I have a skin type that may seem oily from the outs...

Jan 5

A lightweight basic decent moisturizer to use in the day. This provides slightly more hydration compared to Loreal's hydrafresh (anti shine) moisturizer and yet doesn't cause extra shine to oily skin.

Mar 3

I have sensitive combination skin that leans dry in the winter and quite oily in the summer. This moisturizer comes in an aqua blue glass jar with a screw top lid and is a clear, and tinted slightly b...

Sep 4

loooooooooooooove <3 really light, yet moisturizing! nice for that sping/fall season where your skin isn't thaaat dry but still needs some hydration. can't live without :) ps. my skin's crazy oily AN...

Oct 29

I was looking for something hydrating for night use, but not so hydrating that it clogs my skin. I live in the tropics so hot and humid days (and nights) are things I have to bear in mind when looking...