Women's Fragrance
49 reviews
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9 reviews
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Dec 4

This is a great scent from Hermes. It definitely smells of it's time (it was released in 1998), which isn't a bad thing. It is so well executed. It is beautiful in its simplicity. It is very woodsy wi...

May 1

This scent is pure comfy hotness. At first sniff I thought, "Eh, it's all right, but kind of like any other popular men's fragrance." But as I wore it, I found myself sniffing my own arm and increasin...

Jan 16

The initial smell of dry moss gave me hope that I might like this fragrance, but sadly, it morphed into a very generic masculine woody Barbasol shaving cream scent with a sweet benzoin touch to it tha...

Dec 23

This a truly gorgeous perfume. When it was first issued in 1998 (ten years ago, already!) it made a statement as it was definitely different from any other scent "en vogue" at the time. I personally l...

Jun 1

I would love to smell this on a guy......a little too masculine for me personally.

Jul 27

Yum! Warm, woody, with no sharp edges. On me this has a subtly sweet die down. On a guy I imagine it might be a little less so, and totally snuggle enducing.

Feb 4

Was separated from my significant other at N-M Last Call on Sunday; he found me squirting myself with Caleche (which, thank goodness, he DOES like on me) and as soon as the SA saw him, she started pul...

May 5

I purchased this product today, basically on a whim. I am glad I did! It is really a very nice men's fragrance, complete with the requisite coniferous notes balanced with amber and some other nice t...

May 3

I defitely agree! This is one of my all-time favorite fragrances...