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Bar Soap & Shower Gel
Sea Mud & Seaweed Milled Soap
3.93 reviews
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Reviews (3)
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3 reviews
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Aug 25

Last December, I purchased a number of bars of Crabtree & Evelyn's Black Sea Mud & Seaweed triple-milled soap. I had put off using them for a while to use some of the other soaps I had bought but, las...

Jan 21

Smells like the beach without the suntan lotion and salt-water taffy; in other words, more of an isolated beach off the beaten track than a tourist beach. Only that sort of rough array of ocean smells...

Jul 11

I have to buy something else from C&E to qualify for a free gift, and this soap was bought just because. Nowadays, we're all used to gels/cream liquid soaps...who uses bar soaps anymore? But! This sex...