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Lip Balm & Treatment
Shimmering Silk Lipbalm
3.14 reviews
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4 reviews
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Nov 4

Vaseline has been my HG for years. However I recently found out that it doesn't actually penetrate the lips to provide long term moisture, it just sits on the top of your lips. Hence I was re-applying...

Sep 21

This would be an okay product if Dove wouldn't sell it as Lip Care. Cause that's totally not what it does. Yes, it provides a soft and silky shine, but that's about it. It doesn't moisturize better t...

Nov 4

This is actually only lip palm that helps me with my problem with cracked mouth corners. It heals them in one (!) day. I tried lots of different palms and cremes. Even went to doctor. Bad thing is th...

Feb 14

This was a shock to me as I'm ususally very fond of Dove products. The Shimmering Silk lipbalm, is a balm in stick form. The tube itself is just lovely (milky transparent top, and shimmering goldish b...