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Awakening Beauty the Dr. Hauschka Way
3.76 reviews
Product from
Dr. Hauschka
Reviews (6)
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May 8

I really like this book. I bought it used for a decent price, and if I lost it I would buy it again. The author covers Dr. Hauschka's theory on beauty and skin care. She goes into some detail about th...

Mar 17

I am surprised to find some of the negative reviews; this book has been on my bedside table for years and continues to be an excellent reference for many topics. It does not push Dr. Hauschka products...

Jan 31

I picked this up from the library, so I cannot comment on price, however, this was a nice read. 10,15 yrs ago I was really into a more all-natural lifestyle (yoga & Ayurvedic medicine, holistic sens...

Aug 25

I was expecting more from this book also since DH has been an authority and pioneer of natural and organic skin care. It’s informative and great as a reference. This book is a brief introduction o...

Mar 4

I didn't think this book was that great. I was expecting more. All of the chapters were so undetailed and lacking. The Dr. Hauschka company is so knowledgable when it comes to skin care and wellbei...

Feb 3

Got this as a recent promo GWP from the company. This book is IMO a light primer on taking better care of ones self in a more natural and holistic way. If you're looking for a good book on in-depth us...