Bain Substantif
3.44 reviews
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4 reviews
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Nov 24

This review is for the Kerastase Bain Substantif shampoo and masque. I have gone through a period of time where my hair was shedding more than normal, so it was not up to its normal glory and fullness...

Sep 29

Oy vey! It's practically criminal that this has such a low rating here. :) This shampoo is absolutely pheonomenal for me - and I'm well below the targeted age demographic. It adds incredible streng...

Jul 14

It is a decent shampoo, OK-ish if you have dry hair and want some ooommmpppp. The consistency is very "dense", it goes on smoothly and it is easy to rinse. IMO it was not as disastrous as the other re...

Jun 30

This made my hair feel coated and heavy. I have fine hair, and it really weighed it down. It's a rejuvenating shampoo for "mature hair." I don't really know what "mature hair" is (I'm assuming fine...