Eye Cream & Treatment
Anti-Fatigue Eye Gel
3.86 reviews
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6 reviews
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Nov 28

This product did not do anything special.

Apr 2

Light, soothing basic water and glycerin based eye gel, works especially well if you keep it in the fridge - the coolness can reduce puffiness somewhat. I like that it doesn't ball or pill under mak...

Oct 28

My HG eye gel. I get up at 3:30 am most mornings, and this leaves my under eye area looking like hell most of the time. Fine lines, slight dehydration, darkness and small milia (caused by over-using a...

Aug 6

This eye gel is so light and watery and it doesn't cause milia! It works really well for puffiness and heavy eye lids. I have been using this eye gel for about 2 months and I found out that I don't ne...

Dec 17

this is a very light gel formulated for heavy eye lids and puffiness around the eyes. I think it really makes a difference. I suffer from slight puffiness under the eyes which causes a dark circle to...

Jul 27

I have puffed-up irritated allergy-prone eyelids. I have been looking for an eye product to sooth the irritated skin around my eyes. The gel is very light and soothing. It really helps irritation a...