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Bar Soap & Shower Gel
Vanilla Shower Gel
3.46 reviews
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6 reviews
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Aug 23

Got this for Christmas.. not really a vanilla scent.. it just smells really weird. It's not drying but some days I get a weird beer smell to it?! Don't know what it is though?

Apr 2

I love this scent, but I find that it's so reminiscent of some sort of vanilla extract that it's actually almost a bit bitter. Don't get me wrong - it's not sharp or unpleasant. On the contrary, it is...

Mar 9

i also bought this in the sale. i love the fragrance, very warm and yummy ;)

Mar 3

I really like the warm vanilla scent of this bath gel. Its more of a vanilla syrup than a sweet cookie scent. It works really nicely as a bubble bath with lots and lots of bubbles. I didn't know th...

Jan 28

This is ok. Not great and not bad either. It smells great, but it doesn't leave me feeling very clean. I use this as a bath gel for bubble baths...I don't think it's good enough to use as a body wa...

Dec 18

I got this discontinued shower gel at a pretty good price. I wouldn't buy it at full price though (but that's just me, I don't like spending a lot on shower gels as you experience the scent for a few...