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Remoisturising shampoo
0 reviews
Product from
Philip Kingsley
Reviews (3)
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3 reviews
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Apr 25

About every 2 years, my hair decides to have a meltdown, which results in me having to change my shampoo & conditioner brand. Since high school, I've used Redken All Soft (before they changed the form...

Feb 26

Well, is it really (re)moisturising? No way! After having used the wonder product (Elasticizer) of this brand, I had high hopes for this one. But this was like detergent and harsh on my hair.

Oct 4

EDIT: someone has kindly informed me that the ingredients near the end are not cones - which is good news - so I'm amending my review. Having used this for a couple of months now I also want to updat...