Deodorant floral
3.630 reviews
Product from
Dr. Hauschka
Reviews (30)
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30 reviews
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May 5

Good product. I've tried tons of natural deodorants and rarely recommend them. Besides Soapwala I would totally recommend this product! I personally found the scent super strong, almost chemically but...

Sep 27

I was really disappointed in this stuff. I had heard lots of good things about it, but it didn't hold up very long for me. I smelled like perfume mixed with BO at the end of the day --- not great. Plu...

Oct 3

I really wanted to love this product. It smells pretty good, but it doesn't stop odor at all. I have been using this for about two weeks now and every day I am feeling self-conscious about my smell by...

Aug 7

A nice-smelling natural deodorant - and this are all the positive things I can say about it. It doesn't stop odor and it's only marginally better than not using a deodorant at all.

Mar 14

It's a deodorant that doesn't last for more than 2 hours in sunny weather.Since the purpose of the deodorant is to keep you clean and fresh,I don't think it is a good choice.Also it is very expensive,...

Sep 17

This is the best natural deodorant I've tried so far. I switched to aluminum-free, natural deodorants more than 5 years ago since my armpits are sensitive and readily develop those nasty bumps. It...

Feb 20

It works. I am really surprised, as I did not have high hopes. I live in Texas and it worked during the summer, no less! My underarms do not smell when I have this on. I have tried many other natu...

Dec 27

After throwing the stinky Peaceful Patchouli deo of Kiss My Face, I got this online. Among the handful of natural deodorant alternatives, I can say this is a superior product. I am not a sweater but I...

Jul 1

Absolutely love this product. Works better than any mainstream deodorant with aluminum or propylene glycol, two things I'd rather avoid. And I love the scent!! In fact, the other day, I got this faint...

Jun 22

Let me just say that I really really love the Fresh Dr. H deodorant. Like the Fresh, the Floral does a good job of preventing odor. I do reapply during the day (I especially do this with natural deo...