Fresh Face Water
3.95 reviews
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5 reviews
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Apr 28

I've used this for years. Since L'occitane made its way to Malaysia in 2000, I picked up a bottle of this and have had at least one bottle of this sitting on my vanity ever since. It's such a versatil...

Jul 31

I received this as part of a gift set and didn't really understand what it was based on the name of it..."fresh face water." I thought it was meant to be a skin refresher, so I tried it once and put i...

Dec 28

This helps sooth and balance my skin. It minimises my pores and helps keep impurites away. First I cleanse my skin and then with face still wet I spray this on, massasage it in and then wash it away w...

Jun 9

I like this sensitive skin care line because it feels very soothing. I'd imagine it's suitable for all skin types, since it's alcohol-free, dye-free, etc. This could be used as a cleanser, toner, or ...

Sep 15

This is actually a make-up remover AND a toner. It's easy to use, and you don't need anything to remove the cleanser with afterwards. It's pretty similar to Deceors cleansing water, except it's a spra...