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Candle & Home Scent
410 reviews
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Reviews (10)
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10 reviews
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Nov 15

Ridiculously high price aside, this is a great candle. It lasts a long (enough) time and smells incredible. It's warm, inviting and I love that when I come home, I can still smell traces of it. I burn...

Sep 25

I loved my L'Occitane Honey candle - good throw, lasted a long time, made my house smell nice (or at least I thought so). However, every single time I burned it, my husband would ask, "Do you smell p...

Aug 24

best candle on earth!

Jan 17

I love it! I love the honey smell. this is not a cheapie candle, it actually smells nice even when u burn it. burning it for 10 minutes leaves the entire house smells nice. took one lippy off for bein...

Jun 5

I look one off for price. But it makes my room smell wonderful and inviting - My boyfriend loves it too.

Aug 29

This loses a lippy for being very expensive and far out of my budget...however I bought mine on sale and given a much larger disposable income would buy them by the dozen. This is a lovely beeswax ca...

Apr 1

pure honey. Divine!

Sep 1

<table width=100%><tr><td><font face='arial,helvetica' size='2' color='#9E4369'><center> <img src=> <br><i>PRICE: US$16.00 </i></center></td><td w...

Aug 8

This is one of the best quality candles and honey fragrances I've ever smelled. It's not sugary sweet, or vanilla-y; it's straight warm honey. I left this on my desk at work for weeks, unburned, and i...

Jul 8

This is simply wonderful! I am a fan of foody sweet scents and this makes anyone feel so welcome. A happy childhood sort of smell that is pure honey with caramel hints