4.5146 reviews
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Reviews (146)
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146 reviews
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Jun 20

Parrot is such a pretty shadow! It's a very unique, teal shadow. The frost is a greenish gold for me, while the rest of the shadow seems blue. I used to wear this one a lot more often, particularly in...

Dec 8

Gorgeous!!!!!!!!! Love it for nice summery looks, or paired with purple, or as a liner... Amazing pigmentation and quality. This eyeshadow is a must.

Sep 4

I didn't get into makeup until around 2005, so I missed the first go-round of Parrot... so I spent a while making do with the HIP "Showy" duo, and life was fine underneath all the sparkle-pocalyptic f...

Jul 18

I finally scored Parrot for TEN! DOLLARS! OMG! on an LJ sale recently, minimal usage, in pot, the whole shebang. I can honestly say that I understand the hype surrounding this eyeshadow. It looks t...

Apr 29

This is my favorite teal shade. Parrot shows up more blueish than teal on my lids but so very gorgeous and unique. At first I thought it was close to Birds and Berries, but its not at all. I like Parr...

Apr 21

This is a beautiful teal color and goes on so nicely! I believe it's a frost, and it just makes your eyes pop! I was lucky enough to get this in a swap, since it's not a permanent in the MAC line, and...

Apr 5

Amazing color! It is the basic teal to have. My favorite with Waternymph but Waternyph is greener. You can use it for a smoky eye and brighten it up or just a bold look. Everyone who love teals shoul...

Feb 19

I absolutely love this color... easily my favorite shadow in the MAC collection. I have it from an old holiday palette and I use it as a liner when I'm wearing any shade of blue.

Feb 18

This is a beautiful teal color. I love using this with aquavert. Having aquavery on the inner third and parrot on the outer two thirds, then add carbon or black tied to your outer V. This creates a go...

Jan 17

Glad I got Parrot when it was re-released. It's a nice bold color. I think it does come out a bit more blue than it appears.. I typically use it in my crease, with lighter greens as the base, in or...
