Clinical Protection Clear Tone Anti-Perspirant Deodorant
36 reviews
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6 reviews
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Nov 4

For the most important function of this product- keeping your armpit odor at bay... FAIL. This does not work. I shower before bed and put deodorant on at night which is supposed to enhance efficacy. A...

Feb 19

I don't get the bad reviews with this. I've had dark armpits since I hit puberty, I've been using this for only about 2 weeks and I can already see a difference. I can't wait to see what it does in th...

Jul 22

Smells awful and doesn't work

May 6

Warning warning=horrible, strong, overpowering perfume smell. ICK. Even though I couldn't stand the overwhelming perfume smell, I used this product for one day and sweated right through it (it was o...

May 3

Awful , it doesnt even work the Dove Clear Tone works better with odor than this stuff .

Jan 30

Thumbs up! I've used an entire tube of Dove Clinical Protection Clear Tone and saw a pretty dramatic difference. I had some darkness underarm from use of another brand last summer. The Clear t...