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Active Express [DISCONTINUED]
412 reviews
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Reviews (12)
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12 reviews
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May 12

It's sad that this is discontinued, because it made my hair uber shiny and silky. The scent was nice and light and didn't make my hair overwhelming. Right after I rinsed it out I felt a difference. Wh...

Jun 14

I love this! I have thick, medium lenth hair and a little bit of this is all I need. My hair is as close to just-out-of-the-salon as I have ever made it to be at home. Will definatly buy again! Wa...

Feb 12

I have a dry scalp, and dry frizzy hair. I have tried just about every hair product under the sun, and really haven't been impressed with anything. My sister left behind a travel bottle (unmarked) w...

May 9


Mar 21

I received 2 bottles of this in a gift bag from a special event...bottom line is: I've had a fantastic hair day EVERY day since I started using it! I priced it recently and found that it's only aroun...

Feb 20

I am actually not sure quite how I feel about this conditioner yet. I bought it on a whim at a CVS drugstore of all places (and it was full salon retail price - UGH!). I used to use and love the All...

Jan 17

The shampoo for this awful do not waste ur $$ on. But this conditioner is the best probably my favorite everyday conditioner like this much better than the all soft conditioner.

Jan 13

Sorry to be the one to bring the rating down, but I can't use this prod. I really love what it does to my hair -- instantly makes it soft and shiny, but I am horribly allergic to the Active Express ...

Sep 5

I like the the slippy feeling this gives my hair when I apply it, I feel like my hair is recieving a good treatment. It rinses fast and clean.

Jul 14

Wow. I was looking for a conditioner that would get my tangles out bit not weight my hair down. This stuff is amazing! I just need a tiny bit and my hair slips out of all it's tangles and is super ...