5 Colour Shadow - Mystic Jade 390
3.920 reviews
Product from
Christian Dior
Reviews (20)
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20 reviews
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May 29

I did not expect to like this, but Mystic Jade 390 is actually a cute quint. I bought this to satisfy the collector in me, and it did not turn out as bad as I feared. True, it lacks the butter-soft ...

Jan 15

I received this palette in a swap because I was on a Dior e/s palette rush and I wanted to have them all :) At first I regretted the swap because the colours looks a bit strange together in the palet...

Jan 8

This palette is a piece of garbage. I loved the colors and tried so many times to get them to work but they have zero pigmentation. The colors don't show up at all. I never thought I would throw ou...

Jan 1

While the texture of these shadows is quite smooth, they lack pigmentation. The pastels in this palette also appeared chalky when applied to the lid and I could never build it up to any intense level ...

Nov 18

I like this quint - it's a great daytime look and really is versatile. Reminds me of better days gone by, kind of evoking that 70's feel when everything was fun and the houses had those olive applianc...

Jul 26

This was my first Dior Quint - I bought this when I was about 18 and I still have it and still love it. The colours are an unusual combination - an icy pale blue, shimmery coral peach, flat, slightly ...

Feb 20

this has been my only disappointment in the reformulated Dior quints. the pale green color has barely any pigmentation which is disappointing, same goes for the light peach and the turqoise. i find th...

Jan 28

This is not a quint I would have normally picked up, but I'm glad I did. I'm NC20, reddish blonde hair, with green eyes. I can honestly say that I haven't worn the light green color, but the other c...

Nov 19

This is the one Dior product I've tried that I just did not like. I ended up returning it to Sephora and got Sky Glow instead. I thought the colours were very flat and kind of muddy looking. I main...

Mar 25

I love these eyeshadows. The colors go so well with my eye, hair, and skin color. I have brown eyes and brown hair and they go perfect. The colors are light brown, light green, dark green and blue. ...