Body Lotion & Cream
Bathina Sandal Scandal
3.339 reviews
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39 reviews
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Oct 26

this is the only footcream ill ever use! the exfoliating effects of this wonder creamis astonishing. i swear,it looks like you have had serious cuticle work and pedicure at a salon.this stuff contains...

Jul 4

I don't remember why I purchased this expensive product. I think it was because the name was so cute. It was a decent product, but it definitely didn't blow me away. It's ok, but I wouldn't purchase a...

May 29

I love massaging this stuff on my feet and slipping on the booties :p It really is a pedicure in a jar. I heard its going to be discontinued but I’m not sure, either way I’m going to stock up!

Feb 24

I got this as a gift from my other half purely because he knew I would love the cute packaging - which I certainly did, though I would never pay this much for something for my feet. I like the smell a...

Feb 22

IT WORKS!! it softens my feet, makes them soooo soft and dewy, i wish the same thing would work on my face and make it that dewy too!! I realize some people don't like the smell but I think it's absol...

Sep 18

So pointless. Seriously, get some Vaseline and massage it over your feet, then put some old socks on and wear them all night. Exact same result - lovely soft feet. Waste of money.

Sep 9

I use this because it was free (I won it) and my feet are rough and because I can't smell it when the socks are on. The scent, like all Bathina products is horrible - like a grandma, only plasticky. ...

Oct 28

Sandal Scandal has me playing footsie a whole lot more! This is a 10%aha cream that exfoliates rough, flaky patches on feet, knees and even elbows. I love it so much that I buy strappy sandals just s...

Aug 30

I wanted to hate this product, because its so expensive and it has a weird smell. But bottom line is that it works pretty well. I have to use it several days in a row, and slather on generous amounts,...

Aug 5

At 10% AHA, this stuff will dissolve your foot callouses right off, but you will pay a high price. Not only is this stuff as expensive as all get out, but wearing socks to bed makes me crazy. Also, ...