Sage Scalp Cleansing Shampoo
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Dec 20

HG shampoo - love the scent, love the way it feels on the scalp (a bit tingly / medicinal) and love the results. Bit pricey but seems to last forever and a day in the 500ml pump pack.

Feb 9

This smells really lovely - kind of herbal/medicinal. I found that I use quite a bit to wash my hair, more than I would other shampoos. Maybe it's because this shampoo doesn't lather much, so I'm just...

May 11

Before this shampoo, I have to wash my hair everyday to avoid my sculp itching. And Aesop Sage Sculp Cleansing not only smells nature, it also let me have fresh hair. Definately will buy again, althou...

May 29

I bought this as an alternative to tar based prducts for my psoriasis scalp and it has worked quite well. My better smell than other products and no itchyness now!! Very hapy