Lash Gallery Lengthening Mascara
311 reviews
Product from
EM Cosmetics
Reviews (11)
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11 reviews
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Apr 23

I really wanted to write a review about this - partially because I am upset about receiving it, but also to WARN YOU. This is by far the worst mascara I have EVER used, and being a redhead with near-...

Feb 22

I rec'd a full size of this in my Ipsy bag. I measure all lengthening mascaras against my HG They're Real mascara. This one just doesn't measure up at all. I didn't get nearly the length after 2-3 coa...

Jan 23

I was really excited to try this because I have been watching her videos for so long. My friend gave it to me for free so I can't complain about the price at all (though i've seen her prices are not c...

Jan 9

I received this in my Ipsy bag a couple of months back and I AM IN LOVE. I'm not a fan of Michelle Phan's videos and I don't think her skills are anything special so when I when I received this I real...

Dec 12

I got this in my Ipsy subscription and it really did lengthen my lashes, almost too much! Unfortunately, it added NO volume, but it didn't claim to. I did like the formula because it was drier and not...

Nov 5

This added no visible length to my lashes, only slightly darkened them. What it did do - was make my lashes feel heavy, waxy and the fibers clumped all over even after I brushed this out. I noticed if...

Sep 29

I received this in my ipsy bag. It makes my lashes long and dark. It does not add volume, but it doesn't claim to. It never clumps, smudges or flakes, even when I take a nap with it on. It removes eas...

Sep 8

I got this in my November Ipsy bag.....and i'm so glad i got it here instead of actually buying it ($20). The wand is a curved tip, with really short clumpy bristles. It did nothing to lenghten my las...

Jul 3

This mascara was horrible. I received it in my Ipsy bag. It made my lashes clump up, didn't add much length, and barely added any volume. It is a complete waste of money.

Jun 28

I got this in my ipsy glam bag and I love it I have purchased it several times and this is great if you want to add volume to false lashes