Star Bronzer Magic Brush
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22 reviews
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Apr 25

Do they still make this? I love this product for my purse. It is awesome. I love it for the summer to touch up my face here and there. I will definately buy this if they still make it but I heard i...

Apr 3

I agree with the rest about the packaging. I unscrewed mine and poured it into another bronzer I had. I only use a very small amt I shake it upside down and with a brush pick up what was on the lid...

Oct 31

I really wanted to like this product, and apparently it's/was a great seller for Lancome, but I'm not a fan at all. While the mechanics of the "pump and apply" are as bad as you'd expect, I'd be will...

Jan 4

This is a horrible reddish-orangish-sparkly bronzer. It made me look like I got sunburnt under a tanning bed (orangish-red, hideous). I'm not even pale, I'm olive skinned and naturally a little tan. I...

Dec 26

This is a good idea. It comes with a brush attached. Too bad it doesn't work. The bronzer either shoots out of the brush or nothing comes out. The bronzer itself is very orange. It's thick and diffic...

Jul 2

This, as other reviewers have stated, is a great idea: bronzer with a built-in brush. It has too many quirks though. I bought this and after turning and shaking, no product would come out! So I unscre...

May 1

I received this in a swap. The built in brush is horrible. When I "pump" the bronzer to get it on the brush the product comes out the opposite end :/ Thank god you can unscrew the top. I dumped it int...

Dec 13

dont kile it! ORANGE LOOK!!!!! TOOOOOOO ORANGE!!!! try rimmel bronzer it is 100times better- not orange.

Oct 15

It's not so bad, but also not that good. If I put a little bit on the cheeks it leaves a golden glow, but if I put this on my whole face it's way too much orangy and shimmery, not nice. It's beautifu...

Jun 27

It's ok. It has a nice texture and goes on easily. It can look a bit muddy so be careful.